Who is the most inspirational person in your life? How does that person inspire you?
I find inspiration in a variety of people and things.
Digital Storytelling
Digital Storytelling
Who is the most inspirational person in your life? How does that person inspire you?
I find inspiration in a variety of people and things.
Leo Burnett was an advertising legend and the founder of Leo Burnett Company, Inc. His name found a place in Time Magazines’ list of 100 most influential people of the 20th century.
From Monday Motivation to Friday, social media hashtags may get lots of users talking, also it may be a great way to drive new traffic,
David Ogilvy was one of the top ten advertising icons of all time, he was amazing at copywriting.
He was famous in advertising with career spanned between 1938 – 1973.
The influence of the digital landscape has grown as times changed. Digital marketing is a constantly evolving landscape with ever-changing trends and new technologies.
A great digital marketer is a trendsetter, not a trend-follower.
What are the latest digital marketing trends? Technological advances,
I danas se postavlja pitanje i daju mogući odgovori u vezi sa tim kako je nastao jedan od najprepoznatljivih logoa jednog od najpopularnijih brendova današnjice i šta on ustvari znači.
Svaki brend ima priču. Svaka priča je sačinjena iz očekivanja, istorije, obećanja, emocija. Ispunjavajući obećanja i očekivanja najpopularniji globalni brendovi lagano su menjali stvarnost i svet u kojem živimo.
Boja emituje određenu poruku u vezi sa brendom, bitno je da se boja i poruka koju želite da prenesete – nadopunjuju.
Digital PR is all about combining traditional PR with content marketing, social media and search: transforming static news into conversations and bypassing media to speak directly to your target audience online.
Live storytelling menja definiciju klasičnog storytelling-a i dodaje mu jednu novu dimenziju pretvarajući ga u Digitalni storytelling koji bira različite platforme i kanale komunikacije u digitalnom pripovedanju,
Ključni stavovi i ponašanje Milenijumske generacije
Neke od studija prikazuju da Milenijumska generacija broji oko 79 miliona i da uticaj ove generacije konstatno beleži rast uticaja.
Starbaks je jedan od globalnih brendova koji su najranije prihvatili, koristili, prepoznali snagu društvenih medija i tako preuzeli lidersku poziciju.
Rise of digital media platforms
At the heart of this shift is the rise of digital media platforms,
Great stories succeed because they are able to capture the imagination of large or important audiences.
A great story is true.
“The most powerful person in the world is the story teller.
The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.”
Steve Jobs
Photo Source: www.ideachampions.com
I would like to share with you throughout my Blogroll some of my favorite, worlds most powerful and idea inspirational agencies,
Rasprava o tome da li će čitaoci plaćati za vesti nužno mora da obuhvati i raspravu o tome na koji način će plaćati: kroz neku vrstu pretplate ili na neki znatno fragmentiraniji način plaćanja?
I have always been searching for and inspiration in all spheres of creation from science to art. One of my favorite storytelling wizards Steve Jobs once said:
“Here’s to the crazy ones.
I have learned a lot from one of my favorite scientist Einstein, no matter how much time passes, no matter what effort it takes I never give up – I will always win and find what I was looking for.
Digitalni alati trebalo bi da pomažu između ostalog PR stručnjacima da identifikuju trendove i medije za targetiranje priča i ideja za nastanak i komuniciranje novih priča i poruka,
“Halloween gives you permission to dress up. April Fool’s, a chance to play a prank.
What if there was one day of the year where you had permission to do things that made people say,
Content marketing ili sadržajni marketing – marketing format koji uključuje kreiranje i deljenje sadržaja sa ciljem da stigne do svojih korisnika,
Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of art of storytelling.
Throughout history, storytelling has been used to share knowledge,
A lot can happen in 60 seconds. A typist can write approximately 80 words, the Wright brothers can make their historical first flight five times and YouTube users upload 72 hours of footage.
Public relations pros love their statistics.
There’s nothing like going into a client meeting armed with some really knock-’em-dead stats that convince your client to take your advice.
Logos clearly make an impression on us at an early age, and continue to influence us (or attempt to) throughout our lives.
CannesLions ove godine zaljubljenicima u advertajzing okrivao je delić atmosfere iz minuta u minut na Tviteru, sa jednog od najznačajnijih svetskih advertajzing festivala The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.
You’ve recently sent out a press release announcing your latest company milestone. But are you optimizing all this amazing content for all it’s worth?
In just six years hashtags have evolved from a simple symbol to one of today’s most valuable marketing tools. And it doesn’t stop there.
Nielsen global study outlines the reasons why consumers switch brands, service providers or retailers and identifies the loyalty program attributes that potentially have the most staying power.
Nike is one of the world’s biggest brands and therefore it comes as no surprise that they have such a huge following on social media.